Passing - a multimedia performance and installation

"Passing" is the first movement from GONE, a multimedia suite that portrays emotional states that explore loss. The music is composed and performed by Craig R Harris (Interference Arts), who collaborated with visual artist Candy Kuehn to create videos and visual materials that are designed to project into one of their signature multimedia performance environments, either as standalone installations, or with live music performance.

Passing - from GONE, a multimedia performance & installation

The loss of a loved one is accompanied by intense emotional upheaval, filled with complex feelings and memories.

GONE is a multimedia suite that portrays emotional states that inhabit this terrain. The music is composed and performed by Craig R Harris (Interference Arts), who collaborated with visual artist Candy Kuehn to create videos and visual materials that are designed to project into one of their signature multimedia performance environments, either as standalone installations, or with live music performance.

The first movement – Passing – reflects the shared experience of a loved one’s passing. One person moves on, leaving the memory and essence of their presence; others remain to process the experience.

The suite is comprised of 10 movements composed for solo keyboard: Passing, Release, Nostalgia, Loss, Emptiness, Gratitude, Regret, Longing, Guilt, and Freedom. The suite also includes Earth and Sky, a multi-channel audio soundscape postlude that accompanies performances if the technology is available.

The music for GONE was originally composed in 2017 for dance-theater company Off-Leash Area’s production “Dancing on the Belly of the Beast,” a show about adult orphan-hood. Craig developed a solo piano version based on the music for a scene in that show entitled “Emotion Gallery,” and premiered GONE for a concert at Owatonna Art Center in September 2018, accompanied by Candy’s imagery. Craig and Candy continue to develop the multimedia version of GONE since that initial performance to create a more flexible, integrated and immersive experience to share with their audiences.